Kaydon white papers
At Kaydon Bearings, we apply engineering experience and expertise to solve the world's most demanding bearing challenges. Take advantage of that expertise and learn more about thin section bearings, slewing ring bearings, and custom solutions, as well as bearing remanufacturing, in these Kaydon white papers and articles.
Extend wind turbine life with pitch bearing upgrades
The classic failure modes predicted by standard bearing calculation models are actually very uncommon causes for failure. Pitch bearings typically fail for reasons related to lubricant degradation and lack of structural flexibility. The most effective bearing upgrades mitigate edge loading and strengthen the races; address separator load and wear; prevent contamination; and, ultimately, result in a more efficient bearing. Find out how a bearing upgrade can increase a turbine's operational life by up to 10 years and save $100,000s in downtime and bearing change-out costs.
Nine steps for selecting the right slewing bearing
Slewing bearings are typically used for their ability to transmit relatively high loads. But a number of other application requirements have an impact on selecting the appropriate bearing, including load, speed, accuracy, torque, environment, coatings, mounting arrangements, and lubrication, among others. Learn about the nine steps to follow to select the appropriate slewing bearing for a given application.
How mounting can optimize slewing ring bearing performance
Proper mounting is crucial to the correct distribution of bearing load and stress, and should be considered early in the design process. Without an adequate mounting structure, the performance of the bearing, seals, pinions, gears, and bolts is likely to suffer. Read about how to determine the correct bearing size, shrouding, and mounting structure; the importance of appropriate deflection and flatness; and how to mount the bearing to the mounting structure.
Trust but verify: the value of acceptance testing
For design engineers working in critical applications, acceptance testing is a kind of insurance policy: a little extra cost and time up front can help avoid expensive delays later. Acceptance testing measures torque, preload, runout, stiffness, and more to confirm whether or not these values are inside expected limits. Find out which applications benefit most from testing and how to develop an acceptance test plan.
Simplify designs with slewing ring bearings
Geared slewing ring bearings are a great solution for simplifying drive systems, especially when space is limited. Gear teeth can be cut into the inner race or outer race (stationary or rotating) to suit the application. Learn more about using the Lewis formula for tooth size and form selection and how to gain backlash room in a design, as well as the proper way to install a slewing ring bearing.
Bearing selection for low-speed applications
Low-speed applications, such as wind turbines, robots, cranes, gun mounts, and radar antenna mounts, can present bearing design challenges. Bearings may have special lubricant needs, require modification or need to be custom designed. Find out which types of bearings are typically used in low-speed applications and 10 key performance requirements designers should consider when specifying them.
Nine questions to ask when specifying a slewing ring bearing
In applications that require a bearing to support a structure while it rotates (e.g. cranes, radar, tank turrets), premature bearing failure can put people and equipment at risk. The bearing's support structure, mounting, installation, and even storage are all factors in a bearing's success or failure. Find out what key questions a designer should ask when specifying a slewing ring bearing.
How to extend the life of your slewing ring bearings
Premature failure is a common fate for large-diameter bearings in heavy-duty applications. Fortunately, regular maintenance can prevent 96% of slewing ring bearing failures. Learn about a routine maintenance plan and the four warning signs of bearing wear or failure.
Stop bearing corrosion before it starts
Corrosion can have a serious impact on bearing life, negatively affecting a machine's performance, productivity, and operating costs. Fortunately, there are steps you can take during the design stage to protect your bearing throughout its life.
Key trends in bearing lubrication
Bearings and lubricants continue to become more advanced. Learn how to choose the right lubricant to achieve optimal efficiency.
Installing large diameter bearings on rotating equipment and oscillating applications
Many things can go wrong during and after installation of a large diameter bearing. Learn what simple steps you can take during installation to prevent costly mistakes.
Gearing up your bearings
Some drive systems can be simplified by incorporating a gear onto a slewing ring bearing. Read about the benefits, challenges, and proper installation of gear bearings.
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